Neal Ward

How did you become involved at St. Peter’s?

Through Christi Wilson who knows friends of ours in Terralargo in Lakeland

What do you love about attending St. Peter's?

St. Peter's is a great example of a loving spiritual family.

What attracts you to the Episcopal Church?

The multitude of thoughtful, quiet and humble and loving ways we are blessed with to serve God and each other

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 

We have entertained hundreds of people over the years. We are about sharing the open table. We love travel both in the states and across the pond. We have an incredible chosen family and have built long term relationships with people in all the places we've lived.

Do you have any practices that help to nourish you spiritually?

We both experience quiet time where we can listen for the Holy Spirit and in being lay-readers and lay Eucharistic Ministers and by sharing our gifts musically

What is something your church family would be surprised to learn about you?(e.g. hobbies, education, career, interesting/unique job you’ve had, etc.)?

Jim has produced and directed many theatrical productions in regional theatre. I was fortunate to work with and be host to many famous people like President Carter, Muhammed Ali, Richard Thomas, Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom when I managed English Grill and Lobby Bar at the Brown Hotel


What is one item on your or your family’s bucket list?


An Alaskan Cruise

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